The Torrington Telegram
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The Torrington Telegram

Oct 23, 2023

Updated: 4 days ago / Posted Aug 23, 2023

PUBLIC NOTICECity of Torrington )County of Goshen )State of Wyoming )The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Doby, Council Members Deahl, Kelly, Patterson and Viktorin. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Assistant Chief of Police Connelly, Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes, Water/Wastewater Supervisor Troxel and Deputy City Clerk Anaya.Mayor Doby called the meeting to order.Councilman Kelly led the Pledge of Allegiance.Mayor Doby led the session with informational announcements on the following items: 1. Reminder to all residents and property owners to continue to keep ahead of the growth of lawns and weeds in order to proactively avoid a visit from Code Enforcement Officers; 2. Reminder to the public to be cautious and mindful of the pedestrian, bicycle and school bus traffic that will soon increase as schools will be back in session on August 21st; 3. Request to the public to refrain from using their cell phones while driving; 4. Mayor Doby invited the citizens of Torrington to continue to enjoy the swimming pool, golf course, parks and ball fields that the City offers; 5. Announcement that the Dale Jones Municipal Pool will close for the season on 08-19-23; 6. Announcement that crews will be out on 08-19-23 and 08-20-23 painting crosswalks and parking spaces on Main Street, on the avenues near Main Street and over to A and B Streets near downtown. The City hopes to have as little disruption as possible to Main Street businesses; and 7. Mayor Doby stated that he hopes everyone enjoys the rest of their summer.Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Viktorin seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 08-01-23 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.Mayor Doby requested approval to amend the agenda as follows:1. Add Resolution No. 2023-11 to the Action Items List.Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.Kurt Evezich with Elk Eco Cycle Recycling Center addressed the Mayor and Council. He gave a brief update regarding the current status of his recycling center operation. Mr. Evezich stated that to date, the recycling center has diverted 150 tons of cardboard and 50 tons of steel from the landfill. He indicated that Elk Eco Cycle Recycling Center is requesting utility fee relief for water, sewer and garbage fees from the City of Torrington as a subsidy for providing recycling within the City which diverts trash from the landfill. Mayor Doby thanked Mr. Evezich for the information that he provided and advised that his request would be taken into consideration. Water/Wastewater Supervisor Troxel presented for approval Resolution No. 2023-11. He stated that the resolution authorizes the submission of a Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Account Grant application to the State Loan and Investment Board for the purpose of purchasing a replacement Sewer Vacuum Truck on an emergency basis. The amount of the grant application is $406,606.10. Water/Wastewater Supervisor Troxel indicated that the insurance claim for the City’s damaged Vactor Truck is not progressing rapidly and commented that the City cannot afford to pay the monthly rental fee amount of $11,910.00 on a long-term basis. He stated that initially the insurance adjuster had determined that it was going to be a total loss and indicated that the insurance company then reassigned the claim to a new adjuster who recently determined that the necessary repairs can be made to the sewer equipment mounted on the damaged truck with a new cab and chassis to be ordered. Water/Wastewater Supervisor Troxel commented that the unit is currently at Joe Johnson Equipment in Denver, Colorado awaiting a full inspection and completion of an estimate of repair for the sewer equipment. He stated that Deputy City Clerk Anaya called Joe Johnson Equipment earlier in the day to get a status update and indicated that she was told that the inspection has not been started because they are still trying to figure out the situation with the chassis as they may need to resource their options out of Canada for that. Water/Wastewater Supervisor Troxel commented that it is extremely concerning that we are back to square one with this pending insurance claim without a definite timeline as to when the inspection and estimate will be completed. He stated that he would appreciate the Mayor and Council’s support with the approval of this resolution to pursue alternative options for the replacement of the damaged truck since it is apparent that the insurance claim is not going to be settled any time soon. Councilman Kelly inquired if the grant will fund the purchase of the replacement truck 100%. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker replied that funding for the truck will be split between the Mineral Royalty Grant (75%) and City matching funds (25%). Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve Resolution No. 2023-11 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Doby noted the time had arrived for the Mayor and Council to adjourn from regular session and convene as a Board of Adjustment.Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes stated that Amey Peterson and Dale Mundt Jr. requested a conditional use permit to operate an in-home daycare. The property is located at 142 Camino Del Rey. He indicated that the Planning Commission approved the request at their 08-08-23 meeting, staff recommends approval and he has received no public comment. Mayor Doby opened the public hearing for consideration of the permit. He asked for public comments for or against the approval of the permit, none were heard. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Viktorin moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the conditional use permit for the property located at 142 Camino Del Rey as presented. Motion carried unanimously.Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes stated that the Goshen Care Center Joint Powers Board requested approval of the preliminary plat acting as the final plat of the Evergreen Plaza Subdivision. He indicated that this is a housekeeping matter due to the fact that proper legal documents for vacations, easements and locations of infrastructure have not been kept up to date or properly filed over the last 50 years. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes commented that now that the Evergreen Plaza construction is complete, BenchMark of Torrington, P.C. conducted the required surveying and research to present a current and accurate description of what is presently in place on this specific site. He stated that the Planning Commission approved the request at their 08-08-23 meeting and that staff recommends approval. Mayor Doby opened the public hearing for consideration of the preliminary plat request. He asked for public comments in favor of or against the approval of the preliminary plat request. Robert Taylor with BenchMark of Torrington, P.C. spoke in favor of the approval of the request. Mayor Doby closed the public hearing. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the preliminary plat acting as the final plat of the Evergreen Plaza Subdivision as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes stated that the First Congregational Church requested approval of the final plat of Coy’s First Addition Second Filing. He indicated that the church would like to vacate and replat Lots 3-6 of Coy’s First Addition. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes commented that the church owns all of the lots in question which includes the house directly north of the church. He stated that the church intends to sell the house with only half of the lot and reserve the west half for additional parking. Mayor Doby opened the public hearing for consideration of the final plat request. He asked for public comments in favor of or against the approval of the final plat request. Stephen Feagler spoke in favor of the approval of the request. Mayor Doby closed the public hearing. Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Viktorin seconded to approve the final plat of Coy’s First Addition Second Filing as presented. Motion carried unanimously.Mayor Doby returned the Mayor and Council to regular session.Sara Yung with the Open Barrel Brewing Company requested approval of a special event permit for a Cornhole Tournament Event to be held on 08-19-23 from 2:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mayor Doby indicated that the permitted area will be confined to the alley and east row of parking spaces in the City of Torrington parking lot behind the Open Barrel Brewery as specified on the map submitted with the application. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the special event permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.Sara Yung with the Open Barrel Brewing Company requested approval of an open container permit for a Cornhole Tournament Event to be held on 08-19-23 from 2:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mayor Doby indicated that the permitted area will be confined to the alley and east row of parking spaces in the City of Torrington parking lot behind the Open Barrel Brewery as specified on the map submitted with the application. Councilman Viktorin moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the open container permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.Doug Mercer with Scottsbluff Valley Street Rods (SVSR) requested approval of a special event permit for a Classic Cars on Main Street Event to be held on 09-16-23 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Mayor Doby indicated that the applicant is requesting approval to close the public street on Main Street between 19th Avenue and 21st Avenue and on the additional half-block areas to the east and west as specified on the map submitted with the application. He commented that the applicant is also requesting to have the special event permit fee waived due to the fact that the event is a community event hosted by a non-profit organization. Councilman Patterson inquired if Section 09.24.050 of the City’s code would need to be waived for the duration of the event in order for the “shooting trailer” portion of the event to be permissible. Attorney Eddington confirmed yes. Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Viktorin seconded to approve the special event permit, to waive Section 09.24.050 of the Torrington Municipal Code for the duration of the event and to waive the special event permit fee as presented. Motion carried unanimously.Leann Mattis with Goshen County Economic Development requested approval of a special event permit for a Music on Main Fall Concert Event to be held on 09-16-23 from 1:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on East 21st Avenue from Main Street to slightly east of the City Lot Five restrooms. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the special event permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.Jan Harvey with BZ Hospitality, LLC requested approval of a catering permit for a Music on Main Fall Concert Event to be held on 09-16-23 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the designated liquor service area established by the event’s special event permit. Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Viktorin seconded to approve the catering permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.The bills from 08-02-23 to 08-15-23 were presented for payment. Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.Mayor Doby asked for public comments, questions or concerns.Councilman Patterson stated that he is very appreciative of the additional stop signs that were installed in his neighborhood at all of the uncontrolled intersections. He commended Streets & Sanitation Superintendent Hawley and his crew for a job well done. Mayor Doby stated that there is now a four-way stop on West E Street and 28th Avenue at the entrance and exit to the Torrington Middle School. He indicated that the Streets Department has placed special flags on the newly installed stop signs to give the public the awareness of the presence of the signs. Mayor Doby reminded the public to please continue to familiarize themselves with the 17 newly marked pedestrian crosswalks. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes urged the public to press the crosswalk button prior to crossing the street as it registers to the crosswalk sign(s) that a pedestrian wants to cross and lights up. Fire Chief Petsch briefly updated the Mayor and Council on the calls that the Torrington Volunteer Fire Department responded to in the last couple of weeks.Mayor Doby adjourned the meeting at 8:41 p.m. The following bills were approved for payment: 76696 THE CINCINNATI INSURANCE CO Wastewater Pre-Treatment Facility Project 11764.00;76697 MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY OF NE wholesale power 435600.22;76698 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS long distance 128.14;76699 CENTURYLINK TVFD phone/data line 218.29;76700 WYRULEC CO Landfill Electric 160.71;76701 ROCKWOOD, CAROLYN deposit refund 103.62;76702 2133 KRISRON B108 LLC deposit refund 62.47; 76703 SHAW, JULIA deposit refund 45.80;76704 WYO HISER LLC deposit refund 40.23;76705 DOWERS, HUGH L. deposit refund 32.07;76706 PRADO, JORDAN deposit refund 257.81;76707 WILSON, BRANDON deposit refund 250.96;76708 MARTIN, GAVIN D. deposit refund 151.38;76709 MCFARLAND, BECKY deposit refund 82.76;76710 ALBAUGH, ASHLEE E. deposit refund 43.67;76711 ARROW ELECTRIC OF TORRINGTON new pump-labor/parts 799.00;76712 ACCUSCREEN MOBILE DRUG TESTING SERVICES rapid screen drug tests 225.00;76713 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES pool vending snacks,lens cleaning wipes,birthday cards,power amplifier,ignition coil,fire extinguisher inspection tags,battery,recoil starter assembly,tetherball/rope,work gloves,car seat cover 728.44;76714 B & B REPORTING INC. background check 44.95;76715 BIG WOOD TREE SERVICE LLC tree trimming/cleaning,branch removal 1700.00;76716 BIVENS CONSTRUCTION INC. FY23 Sewer Line Replacement Project-retainage/final 12743.74;76717 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC. aluminum triplex,machine bolts,flex gray liquid tite,insulated connectors,wrenches,disconnect fused safety switches,square washers,fuse links,cond straps,clamp on service entrance caps 2627.01;76718 BROWN CO filler cap,skill saw chain,harness 91.73;76719 BUTLER'S SALVAGE & TOWING tow charge/EWC to City Shop 129.95;76720 CASELLE INC. contract support & maint 2050.00;76721 CENTURY LUMBER CENTER cable ties,blue chalk,pointed laths,micro precise glue,super wedge grey,spray paint,rivet assort kit,titanium bit,riveter,clamps,insert tees,bushings,couplings,elbows, ball valve,shovel handle,glass cleaner,utility hook,command hook,wire,fly trap,raid fly ribbons,self lighting torch,credits,riser extensions,crimper,magic erasers,disinfectant,citrus spray,sprinkler heads, spray nozzles,filters,furring strips,cedar split rails,conduit,screws,nails,fasteners,hem firs,eye bolts,pvc pipe,wire ties,toilet seat,poly pipe,con body/adapter,kitchen bags,mop,dropcloth,stain,plastic pail,dish soap,armor all,paint supplies 1146.93;76722 CITY SERVICE VALCON jet fuel,Phillips 66 terminal maint fee 14007.14;76723 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o FIRST STATE BANK optional sales tax 118286.36;76724 MHC KENWORTH diesel oil 1242.98;76725 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ambulance supplies 88.49;76726 CONNECTING POINT copier all-inclusive service contracts/monthly charges 431.54;76727 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS INC. safety glasses,inverted paint 387.00;76728 DECKER, STEVE weed killer 74.00;76729 DENNIS SUPPLY CO ice machine cleaner 178.18;76730 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 6733.25;76731 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. cleaning services 610.00;76732 DP TRADING pheasant lapel pins 385.00; 76733 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC. ambulance supplies 227.49;76734 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab testing 1419.00;76735 FASTENAL CO batteries,wiring connectors,duct tape 247.59;76736 FULL SOURCE inverted marking paints 156.17;76737 PRO QUALITY PEST CONTROL rodent control 90.00;76738 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;76739 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC ¼ cent sales tax 29572.12;76740 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC monthly contribution 2500.00;76741 GOSHEN VET CLINIC vaccinations-K9 69.00;76742 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 2013.00;76743 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP copier leases 356.00;76744 HAWKINS INC. sodium hydrox 50% diaphragm 2853.41;76745 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION mats,scrapers,sam dust/energy fees,garments,sam garment fees,sam linen,coveralls,mops,towels,terminator cleaner,toilet paper,paper towels,trash bags 2265.50;76746 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney,extended hours 9277.50;76747 JOE JOHNSON EQUIPMENT LLC dirt shoe assembly,tow bar assembly,springs,rings 1316.28;76748 KATH BROADCASTING CO LLC tower rent,City Council meetings,public comment ad schedule 375.00;76749 K & K COMMUNICATIONS paging service-elec meters 24.00;76750 KNOW HOW LLC filters,3-wire plig in pigtails,plugs,lamps,grease fitting,fuse kit,industrial belts,wire terminals,bolts,nuts,drill bit,special belt, adapters,returns,lights,adapter sleeves,ptex threadlock,warranty work,circuit,starter for solenoid,v-belt 805.46;76751 LUJAN CLEANING SERVICE LLC cleaning,window cleaning 237.00;76752 MASEK GOLF CAR CO repairs to golf cart 180.68;76753 METAL SHOP AND REPAIR LLC flat iron,square tubing 152.00;76754 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. dispatch 911 service contract 4808.79;76755 MOUNTAIN WEST TECHNOLOGIES CORP TVFD internet service 201.00;76756 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 307.00; 76757 NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC. pressure vacuum breaker 734.58;76758 O'REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC led work light,battery,hose clamps,weed sprayer,butt splice,blue def,push mount wire tie,headlight wire harness 451.75;76759 ONE CALL OF WY tickets for CDC code TRG 163.50;76760 PANHANDLE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION lpg commercial gas,lpex propane,diesel,dyed ruby diesel 7061.72;76761 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 148.00;76762 PATRICK, JOHN B. Municipal Court Judge 2000.00;76763 THE L L JOHNSON DIST CO bedknife,reel,inner rh baffle,bolts,blades,switch pto 2976.97;76764 PINNACLE BANK red cross,pool concessions,travel expenses-fuel/meals/flight,tires,work boots,inventory supplies,detour signs,safety vests,stud wheel lug,refund,cpm-8 start up packs,lock/keys, seat belt w/ cable 4870.66;76765 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o PINNACLE BANK health reserve non-insured employee premium MT/PR positions 430.00;76766 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING OF TORRINGTON dispenser rentals,water 188.90;76767 PORT-A-POTS BY TDS INC. stationary units 66.75;76768 PRINT EXPRESS INC. ups,vehicle door stickers,utility books,monthly receipts 957.84;76769 RICHEY, MICHAEL fuel 272.67;76770 RICHEY, MICHAEL Airport Operator Contract 1666.67;76771 ROCKY MOUNTAIN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY gloves,glass cleaner,degreaser,carb cleaner,washers 885.49;76772 VALLEY MOTOR SUPPLY filters,extreme pressure grease,scraper,couplers,diesel exhaust fluid,cutoff wheels,wiper blades, spin on lube,return 719.88;76773 TEAM CHEVROLET deflector,brackets,brace,reinforcement,filler,cap, bar 1083.98;76774 SIMON sand 496.48;76775 DBC IRRIGATION SUPPLY solenoids,solenoid assembly hunters,valve hunter 324.80;76776 SUPER PRODUCTS monthly rental fee-rodder 11910.00;76777 TIMBERLINE ELECTRIC & CONTROL CORP surge suppressor 2420.00;76778 TITAN MACHINERY replace rocker switch 787.21;76779 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE premium,select flex contributions 10908.85;76780 TRIHYDRO CORP WWTP Pre-Treat Design Project 5302.24;76781 U S POSTMASTER credit for postage 1250.00;76782 VALLEY MERCANTILE CO INC. socket,quick release ratchet 50.29;76783 VEOLIA WTS USA INC. monthly chemical management 7769.04;76784 WJR WY LLC check out airport lights,talk w/ tech support about taxiway lights,begin repairs,skva wire,primary kit/runway lights,blank plates south side runway & threshold,finish looking at south side runway lights 5159.10;76785 GRAINGER torque sockets,thermoplastic rolls,clear stretch wrap,stretch wrap dispenser 5231.66;76786 WAMCO LAB INC. full chronic toxicity test,C02 atmosphere control ph creep 2100.00;76787 WEGLIN JR., ED mow/trim 120.00;76788 WESTCO antifreeze,tractor hydraulic fluid,gly star plus,unleaded gas 10842.74;76789 WESTERN UNITED ELECTRIC SUPPLY meter bases 2395.32;76790 WY HEALTH FAIRS chemistry panel/wellness screening 83.00;76791 WY MACHINERY cap assembly,oil,repair engine coolant leaks 864.00;76792 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM ad,legals 3225.52;76793 WY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC. alarm monitoring for pool 75.00;76794 ZELL HEATING & COOLING LLC clean ice machine 99.00;76795 MEDICAL AIR SERVICES ASSOCIATION medical air transport insurance 1615.00Public Notice No. 8720 published in the Torrington Telegram on August 25, 2023.